Corona virus and Its Impact on Indian Sectors

Published in In-Review, 2020


The year 2020 has started off in nightmarish biblical proportions- droughts, fires, floods, and a pandemic virus that has gripped the planet. With over 4 million infected and 0.2 million deaths all over the world, Coronavirus is affecting the livelihood of people in severe manners. The fear among all of us has led us to low consumptions, minimal travel and surging up demands in healthcare. The ongoing spread of this pandemic has major effects in various sectors and volatility in markets has proven the disruptions caused by this pandemic. Limited supplies of food and strict lockdowns are causing food stocks and resources of the country to deplete at a much rapid rate than ever. It might seem like an opportunity for the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector to boom but the current infrastructure of our country cannot support the burden and currently, the healthcare sector is in the twin burden of first having more man-power and equipment as well as the shortfall in patients of another origin. Having the country in a state of lockdown has made the travel and tourism sector a negative growth rate with debt increasing as liabilities in assets. The economic impact and the resolution of governments to work for a solution to this pandemic are commendable but the efforts are still not enough, and pandemic is still tightening its grip all over the world.